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Fox News Interviews Dr. Rogers on World Heart Day 2021
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the world’s number one killer, resulting in 18.6 million deaths a year. From well-known risk factors for CVD like smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity, to air pollution and less common medical conditions such as Chagas disease and cardiac amyloidosis, raising awareness and taking action in our communities has helped to save lives.
For the 520 million people living with CVD, COVID-19 is especially dangerous, as patients are at risk of developing severe forms of the coronavirus. Yet the importance of heart health has been overshadowed as our communities are consumed with the COVID-19 pandemic around the world.
According to Texas Heart Medical Group Interventional Cardiologist, Dr. Eduardo Hernandez,“Far too many patients are afraid to attend routine and emergency appointments and have become isolated from friends and family. Leveraging the power of digital health to improve awareness, prevention, and management of cardiovascular disease globally is our goal this year. Telehealth, for example, is playing an important role.“
This year, on World Heart Day, we are uniting with our colleagues locally, nationally, and globally around the USE HEART TO CONNECT campaign.
Together with our clinical and research partners around the world, we encourage families to use their knowledge, compassion, and influence to give their loved ones and the communities they live in the best chance to live heart-healthy lives.
Watch Dr. Joseph G. Rogers Live Interview on FOX 26: Heart Tips on World Heart Day
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